miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Anti-Flatulence food plan

When trying to avoid bloating and flatulence-producing foods, everything out there seems like an anti-grocery list of what not to eat instead of what we really need to know: what we can eat instead.

One of the reasons for this is that most foods cause bloating, gas and flatulence and, unfortunately, many of the worst flatulence-causing culprits are the foods that are the most nutritious and healthy for us!

But there are foods that tend not to incite as much bloating and flatulence production as others. There are also food combinations to avoid, certain diet-related practices that can be incorporated in order to minimize the amount of bloating and flatulence your body produces, and ways to help your digestive system cope with its busy job.

Wheat is difficult to break down and taxes the digestive system. As we age, we sometimes develop intolerances to certain foods, especially those that aren't easily digestible. Many people have difficulty digesting wheat, resulting in fermentation and subsequent gas build-up when they eat wheat and wheat products. Replacing wheat with more easily digestible grains means less work for your digestive system ... and less flatulence and bloating!

Cereal grains (same family as wheat): corn (may cause some flatulence), millet, rice (causes no flatulence whatsoever), teff, and wild rice; flours ground from these foods are good wheat flour substitutes.
Non-cereal grains: quinoa flour is unsuitable for baking bread, but excellent for cookies and quick breads; rinse it for a few minutes to cleanse off the saponin, an enzyme inhibitor that can cause flatulence.
Nut meal: ground nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, or almonds make a rich flour substitute for cakes and cookies; their short shelf life makes grinding your own with a food processor on an as-needs basis preferable; introduce them slowly, or their high fiber content may cause flatulence.
Pasta comes in quinoa, corn, and rice varieties; some rice pasta brands are available in numerous varieties including elbow, shells, spaghetti, lasagna, and penne as well as fun shapes for kids.
Rice bread is made from rice flour and contains no allergy-inducing ingredients; rice is the only starch that produces no flatulence.
In some areas, rice pasta can only be purchased in specialty food stores; it's also available from the Food Allergy Store via Amazon.com. Rice bread is available at some chain stores, often in the frozen food or health sections.
Non-flatulence Producing Dairy Substitutes.

Some sugars cause gas, bloating, and flatulence. Lactose is a sugar. If you are lactose intolerant, try incorporating these dairy alternatives. They can be used in place of traditional comfort foods such as cheese and the dairy milk that goes with cereal, as well as eaten as desserts or used in baked goods.

Soya and tofu cheese comes in soft and hard forms, including cream cheese and cheese slices.
Desserts: soya cream, Soyasun desserts, soya ice cream, and soya vanilla dessert (a custard substitute).
Almond milk, oat milk, rice milk, and soya milk.
Soya yogurts (no refrigeration necessary).
Live soya yoghurts containing beneficial cultures (refrigerate).
Yeast flakes: sprinkle onto dishes for a cheesy flavor (contains lots of vitamin B).
Avocado, guacamole, humus, and tahini for sandwich spreads and salad dressings.
Soy milk is the richest non-dairy milk alternative, making it excellent for baking, cooking, drinking, or over cereal. Some people say it makes them gassy and bloated. If so, they may be allergic to soy.

Creamy, often a bit sweet, and high in vitamin E and other essential nutrients, some people prefer to make their own almond milk (Homemade Almond Milk Recipe), and flavor it with carob powder, maple syrup, and other favorite flavors. While almonds make some people gassy, most report that almond milk does not.

Note that many who are lactose intolerant can eat aged dairy cheeses and/or yogurt without experiencing any bloating or flatulence.

Avoid Bloating and Flatulence Producing Combinations.
Sometimes people say certain foods give them more flatulence or cause more bloating, when in reality it may not be the food specifically but, rather, the eating and/or preparation habits or problematic food combinations. And fried foods-- such as anything pan- or deep-fried-- top the list for being gassy.

Spices such as chili, coriander, and ginger are known to aid digestion. Some people claim spicy food gives them flatulence. Consider the fact that these spices are often in dishes prepared with coconut milk, the fat of which interferes with digestion. So it's not necessarily the spices that are causing the problem.1.

Chew, chew, chew.

Pasta is easy to eat and requires very little chewing, leading some health care providers to suggest that if pasta were chewed sufficiently, it might not cause as much gas, bloating, and flatulence.

In addition, the specific sugars that cause gas are fructose (fruit and fruit drinks, vegetables, wheat), lactose (milk, milk products such as cheese and ice cream, processed foods such as cereal, salad, and bread dressing), and raffinose (beans and cruciferous vegetables). Try and check the label to avoid products containing these three gas-producing sugars.

Strengthen Your Digestive System.
Flatulence is associated with a lack of enzymes. Zinc is a precursor to enzyme production, so enzyme deficiency can be linked to zinc deficiency (zinc is found primarily in beef and shellfish). Without zinc, your system can't produce the enzymes required to break down food.2.

A comprehensive digestive enzyme supplement during or after each meal can also be helpful to people who are plagued with flatulence. They aid digestion by easing the effects of enzyme insufficiency. Look for digestive enzymes that include,.

Yogurt is an enzyme-rich food that is easy to digest for many people (unless they're lactose intolerant). The acidophilus and bifida in yogurt are vital to the digestive process. Both yogurt and buttermilk help to decrease the amount of flatulence your body produces.

A powder supplement that some health care providers are touting the virtues of, FOS (fructooligosaccharides) helps gut bacteria to re-colonize. Becoming increasingly popular for its prebiotic effects, FOS is also said to aid in calcium absorption.

Eating Habits That Lessen Gas, Bloating, and Flatulence.
Eat in a relaxed atmosphere.
Eat and drink slowly.
Chew your food well.
Avoid over-eating, and eat smaller meals and snacks more often rather than fewer larger meals.
Exercise regularly; a walk after meals is ideal.
Drink plenty of fluids, but not with main meals as fluids can interfere with digestion.
Avoid talking while eating, drinking through a straw, and/or chewing gum and/or eating hard candy (part of what you are swallowing is air).
Avoid carbonated drinks and beer, and sip rather than gulp beverages to lessen amount of air swallowed.
When you smoke), avoid smoking (air is inhaled and swallowed.
Don't chew gum or tobacco.
Ensure dentures fit properly (poor-fitting dentures can cause excess air-swallowing when drinking and eating).

In Closing.
Most food causes flatulence, so the list of low-flatulence producing foods isn't as long as flatulence sufferers might wish it to be. There are many good, healthy ways to avoid being overly bloated and gassy.

Remember fat- and protein-foods cause very little flatulence vs. most carbohydrate- and soluble fiber-containing foods; the sugars fructose, raffinose, lactose, and sorbitol; and starches such as corn, noodles, potatoes, and wheat. Rice is the only starch that doesn't cause flatulence.

Second, rather than limit your diet to completely avoid bloating, gas, and flautlence, it may be healthier-- and more interesting meal-wise-- to first determine exactly which foods your unique digestive system is able to cope with. Because they tend to be gas producing for some, everyone is different so you may be able to handle some of the fruits and vegetables not listed here.

Third, stick to less gassy foods when it's especially important to be gas-free (social occasions, a job interview, a first date), and the rest of the time incorporate small amounts of foods that may produce more bloating and flatulence, but that you enjoy and that are healthy.

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2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I'm thinking of making my own almond milk.
    The only problem is that I don't know where to buy the carob powder, apparently it's a fundamental ingredient in the recipe, if I want to make it with almond milk.
